Dogtown United is a non-profit organization that is committed to celebrating the heritage of our community with the annual Irish Festival held on St. Patrick’s Day. In collaboration with community partners, Dogtown United seeks to bring residents, businesses and visitors together to create a




Through the development and introduction of a strategic plan, we will build Dogtown to be a more economically prosperous neighborhood now and for future generations. In collaboration with our community partners, such as our schools, nearby universities, neighboring communities and other non-profit organizations, we will attract new development that matches the community needs.

As investments are essential, we will also identify new fundraising vehicles that will help us to better invest in the viability of Dogtown. 


When neighbors know each other, they can work together to ensure their neighborhood is safe and secure. Dogtown United will serve as an avenue for residents to meet each other and invest in the beautification of the neighborhood. 

With our partners, we are committed to continuing the legacy of the annual Ancient Order of the Hibernians Parade. The safety of this event is vital, and we will raise funds and arrange for ample security each and every year. 


Dogtown is a destination, and we will continue promoting the neighborhood as a convenient and vibrant neighborhood to live in and visit. Through investments in additional economic activity and safety, we will draw more visitors to enhance this destination experience. 

We will seek to work with strategic partners like Forest Park Forever and the St. Louis Zoo to drive more visitors and economic activity to the neighborhood. We'll strive to ensure any increased activity is mindful to limit disruptions to our neighbors and to parking. We will also look to welcome our visitors with increased visibility signage for the neighborhood, such as banners or maps that direct to key attractions.



Learn more about the Board Members who help make this event happen


We maintain a deep commitment to accountability and transparency


Questions, ideas or interest in supporting Dogtown United? Email us today!

How do we define the Dogtown boundaries?

We are called Dogtown United for a reason! We want to bring together the broader community, so we do not have a rigid definition of neighborhood boundaries. We don’t want anyone to be excluded because they live on the wrong side of a street. We seek to work across the several official city-designated neighborhoods which are wholly or partly contained in the broader Dogtown neighborhood.

Who runs this organization?

Dogtown United will be managed by at least a five member Board of Directors. The initial board has come together as a group of involved business owners and active residents. Board members will normally serve 3 year terms, though some of the initial members may have staggered terms. Future board members will be elected by the standing members of the board. As a non-profit, Dogtown United will be subject to IRS scrutiny of all fundraising and annual tax filings will be made public. This level of transparency should give confidence that Dogtown United leadership is using funds intentionally for neighborhood improvement.

How is this different from the Dogtown Business Merchants Association?

Dogtown United is not a merchants group or a chamber of commerce. Though local business owners will form a core of our leadership, our core mission is not to advance business interests. None of the funds of Dogtown United will go directly toward benefiting any local business. Instead, our focus is on community improvement. Also, the DBMA is not a 501c3 non profit, which means Dogtown United will have additional fundraising capabilities.

How is this different from the neighborhood associations in Dogtown?

Neighborhood associations act as the liaison to the city and serve as the voice of residents to local decision and law makers. While these associations may also advocate for safety and host events, Dogtown United does not act or serve as a voice of the neighborhood residents to anyone.